Library Meeting Game Cheats

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  1. Library Meeting Game Cheats Games
  2. Library Meeting Game Cheats Codes
  3. Library Meeting Game Cheats Age Of Empires 2
  4. Library Meeting Game Cheats Download

Norma Kuderna and Linda Shaw

NEW game: Codycross added. Last update (February 2019) of 94% game. 94% American football picture 94% A sport with something other than a round ball 94% American Football terminology 94% Chinese lanterns picture 94% Something associated with pigs 94% Famous fictional pigs 94% LOVE written with fingers picture 94% A song with “heart” in the. Hundreds of group facilitation activities for workshops, meetings and training sessions. Find the best team building activities, energisers, process facilitation and leadership development techniques. 4 Pics 1 Word answers, cheats, and hints will show you how to beat all levels and letters of the game for iPhone, iPod, iPad, and Android. Guess the word that the four pictures represent in the 3,000+ puzzles of this game by LOTUM GmbH. Use these 4 Pics 1 Word cheats to help you beat the app if you are stuck on a level! The library is open with limited in-person services. To help plan your visit, please note the following adjustments made to help improve the safety and experience of our valued library patrons during COVID-19: HOURS: The library will have new, temporary open hours in order to allow for cleaning and sanitizing of the library nightly. An event every week that begins at 11:00 am on Monday, repeating until January 25, 2021.

August 6, 2001

Library Meeting Game Cheats Games

This is a complete walkthrough forthe Senior Detective level, but will work for Junior Detective also. A few of the puzzles will be easier to solve in the Junior level. We will not include solves for all the puzzles, but if you are having particulardifficulty with a puzzle please write and we will help. We also have manysaved games in case you need one. The tutorial can be helpful if you arenot familiar playing Nancy Drew games.

Linda and I have enjoyed playingthe Nancy Drew games since the first one, Secrets Can Kill came out, andlook forward to each new Nancy Drew game. Nancy Drew 5, TheFinal Scene will be coming out this November!

Check the following maps to helpyou find your way around the castle:

Nancy is on a ski vacation stayingat the Wickford Castle in Wisconsin. Christi Lane, a friend of Nancy'sfather, owns the castle. A blizzard swept in and closed the mountainand ended her plans for skiing. Nancy finds other ways to keep busy.

The game starts with Nancy writinga letter to George. It goes into your inventory so you can mail itwhen you get a stamp later. Pick up your room pass key from the desk. Rm. number 205. Look at your locker card in the desk drawer. #310 with the combination 5-1-7.

Take the menu from the top drawerof your dresser. Open magazine on the table and read how to get fingerprints. Check phone messages.

Library Meeting Game Cheats Codes

Walk over by the radiator and noticethat it must be broken. Open your suitcase and read the brochure.

Exit your room and head downstairsto talk with Dexter Egan, the hotel manager. You can ask about thestamps and he will take your letter, but if you forget don't worry, itisn't crucial to the game. Talk to Dexter and exhaust all the conversations. Especially talk to him about the library and offer to help him. Hewill give you a chore to do. The ski rental office is open 9am - 12pm and2pm - 5pm. You will pass by Lisa on your way down the spiral staircaseto the basement. Talk to her about everything. She will tell you that Dexterkeeps an extra Library key around his desk. (I wonder how she knows.) While you are in the lounge, read the 2 books in the bookcase.

Check your watch, if it is stillbefore noon, you can catch Jacques in his office and get the boots. Talk to him twice

If the ski rental office is closed, pick up the littlepaint brush on the door ledge. Try out your locker and notice the combinationdoesn't work. To open the locker: Turn the dial to the rightuntil you reach 5, then click on the dark triangle above the number. Turn the dial to the left until you reach 1, then click the triangle again.Turn the dial to the right until you reach 7 and click the triangle oncemore. Pass the time until 2 pm when the office opens again. Talkto Jacques twice. Locker 310 won't open with the 5-1-7 combination. Open locker 311. Learn about Lisa's secret identities/passports, ID's,etc. Also learn that she speaks fluent Spanish (unlike she said earlier). Go up the elevator to Professor Hotchkiss's room, #214.

Return the boots to Professor Hotchkiss then take theelevator back down to talk with Dexter. [To return the boots,place them in the hall in front of her door. As you turn and walkaway you will hear her open the door and take the boots.] You willget stuck in the elevator and the emergency button doesn't work! Turn around and look up for a way out. Jumping across to the metal ladderalong the wall is a little risky, perhaps you can find another way. After you get back to the hall head down the stairs to talk with Dexterand let him know the elevator is broken also. He tells you that thelights in the upper spiral staircase are out and asks you to check thecircuit breakers. Move the top 3 levers on the right as shown inthe picture below.

To reset the elevator, notice the elevator control boxon the left side of the circuit breaker box. There is a lever toreset the elevator there. Pull it down.

Go back up the stairs and notice the lights to the upperstaircase are on. Ask Dexter about your radiator again. He will tellyou that you fixed the circuit breakers and then he will give you anothererrand. This time he wants you to run up and ask the professorwhat she wants for dinner. She tells you she would like couscous. When you tell Dexter he says that she needs to order off themenu. Bring her the menu and she will order 50 chicken legs!When you give Dexter her order he will give you one lasterrand and that is to tell Jacques to take the bag of chicken legs outof the freezer to defrost.Now your radiatorwill be fixed and you are free to enjoy your vacation.Checkyour watch to see if you have time to meet Jacques in his office. If not you can either do some snooping around or go up to your room andset the alarm clock by your bed to a time when the ski rental office willbe open.Once you relay the message to Jacquesabout the chicken legs, you will find an oil can next to your radiatorand it will be fixed! On your way you can confront Lisa with whatyou learned about opening her locker by mistake. Ask her about hermany identities. Talk to her about the SECRET GARDEN and TOWER ENTRANCE

After you have the oil can you can do more snooping. Setyour alarm to 8pm. Take the elevator to the basement and climb out. You should hear noise that sounds like sawing. Nancy will mentionsomething about a strange noise. Turn around and look down. Nancy will say something about a strange noise coming from down below andthat there is something important down there.

To get into the Library the 1st time:

While you are down in the basement climb up the metalladder against the wall. When you are near the top you will noticea grate that is falling off and an open vent. Swing across to thevent and crawl through it until you come to the grate leading into thelibrary. Open it and jump down. As you start to go down thestairs you will hear the sound of someone coming. Quickly turn aroundand get back into the vents. Watch Dexter type in the code for thealarm and search the library. When he is gone you are safe to goback in the library.

Things to do in the Library:

Look in the desk and read An Atlas of the United States. Note the longitude of Wisconsin is 90 degrees West.

Notice the dust on the top of the desk? Use thepaint brush on the dust and then use that on the alarm key pad to figureout the code. (3, * , 7, 2 ) Try it out! If it says approvedyou have it correct.

Find the globe and move the needle to the longitude youfound in the atlas, then click on the top knob to open it. The paper insidehas the clue for the compass puzzle found behind the plaque above the fireplace.(-15, 10, -5) Move the compassto each number and every time you move it click on the green top button. When you do this successfully you will hear a creaking, squeaky sound asthe door to the secret room upstairs opens. Before you rush up there,take a look at some important books. One is the book on Marie Antoinettelying on the floor written by Professor Hotchkiss. The other bookyou MUST read is the one aboutMarie Antoinette'sFamous Portrait that is on the small table to the RIGHT of the spiral stairsthat lead up to the Secret Room and/or Vent shaft.ThisBOOK is what 'triggers' the close up for the Purple Rose in the Portraitin the Tower.

Go up to the secret room, pick up the lighter and useit on the candle to get an ornate key. Read the letter next to thecandle. Turn around and read the two books about Dexter, one goodand one bad. You can now leave the library from the main doors withoutgetting caught.

Now it is time to see where that noise is coming frombeneath the elevator. Go to your room and set the alarm for 8 pm. Go back to the 1st floor Library. It is easy if you are using theelevators. Make sure the elevator is on the 1st floor and you havethe oil can in your inventory. If you don't have the library key you willfind it in a drawer on Dexter's desk. You will need that too!Open the door to the library and the alarm will go off.Quickly go forward two steps then turn and head to the alarm. Push the buttons 3, *, 7, 2 and the alarm will go off.Goup through the vent and climb down the ladder to the bottom of the elevatorshaft. You will hear 'strange sounds from below.' Turn aroundand find the lever that is stuck. Use the oil can on the lever andopen that grill. Go down the stairs and turn left toward a door withsix sliding locks. The combination will change each time you wantto open this door. Follow the hall around to the left where you hearthe sawing noises. Confront Jacques,'don't you think I should beasking YOU that question?'

'What's your fiancée….'

'What kind of document?'

'A secret compartment?'

'What happened to the medallion?'

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'So, how do you know all of this?'

'What did he think the journal contained that was so important?

'But how do you think the medallion fits in?'

'I don't know, Jacques….'

'Well as long as you tell Christi….'

Jacques gives you the code to his locker…. 2-6-6-5

Turn and get the sword tip from tin soldier. Goup the stairs, through the passage. Go back to the Basement and openJacques locker. Look at the letter from his fiance', read the DiamondChart and the Immigration letter, get the BLUE MEDALLION. BONK! Answer the phone in your room.

'I don't know what really happened.'

'It was the last thing I saw..'

'I am afraid I am serious..'

Listen to your voice mail. Set your alarm for 8am. Go downstairs to talk with Dexter. Be truthful with him about thedirt on your shoes. Ask about the garden and the place his fatherused to go to think. He will tell you there is a key in the shed.

On your way out to the shed if you meet up with Lisa don'treveal too much. Be careful about giving her too much information. Go through the locker room to get outside. It is very cold and youare starting to freeze. When you enter the shed go down the stairsand then turn to your left and go toward the work benches. The keyyou are looking for is on the peg board near the screwdrivers. Thereis also a newspaper clipping and instructions for the ski lift machine. Do this quickly and then leave and go back to the castle. To findthe Secret Garden leave from the locker room again, take 3 steps forwardand then click on the NO Trespassing sign. Go forward just to theleft of that sign. Again you are getting cold so you must not taketoo long. Go to the vine covered wall and open the gate. Goforward and then left toward the sundial and a statue in the wall. Turn the sundial to the left to move the head of the statue. Go tothe statue and pull the lever in back of the head. Take the box outand use the ornate key to open it. Take the REDMEDALLION. Quickly turn back and leavethe garden before you freeze!

Talk to Lisa. She will tell you that she saw Dextercarrying some green ornament outside by the shed and that you should checkit out. You don't see anything and when you try to get back in thecastle you are locked out! Hurry over to the shed and start up theski lift machine. Set the levers according to the diagram 3.0, 2.0,and 4.0. To start the ski lift click on the middle lever once andthe right lever twice. Dexter will come out to see what iswrong and help you back inside.

If you can't get Lisa to tell youabout Dexter carrying something green outside by the shed go up to yourroom and listen to your voice mail. Her message is the last one andit will say something about wanting to be friends and to see her becauseshe has something to tell you.

When you are back safely, go to room 214 to talk withProfessor Hotchkiss. She will give you a question to answer. If you need to find the answer look at the books in the lounge bookcase. Once you answer her question correctly she will tell you to meet her inthe lounge between 3 and 5:59 am. If youdon't know the answer to the question, knock on her door again and askher to repeat the question. She will give you another one.

Go to your room and set the alarm for 3 am.

Meeting Professor Hotchkiss. Talk about her theoryof Marie Antoinette. She will give you a copy of her room pass keyand let you know that you can inspect her room while she is in the loungefrom 3am to 5:59am.

You have plenty of time now so go up to her room and checkit out. Read her notes next to the typewriter. Open her briefcaseand read the letter. Move the pillow on the couch and get theBLUEMEDALLION. This time you don't get BONKED. Go over tothe dresser and watch the video on her recorder. Place the batterypack on the recharger and come back the next night to watch the remainderof the video.

Go back to your room and set the alarm 8am. Go outto the shed and retrieve the GREEN MEDALLIONwhichis on the machine to the right of the ski lift machine. Don't letthe rat bite you!

Return to your room, call your friends and listen to yourvoice mail. Set your alarm for 3am so you can visit Professor's roomagain and watch the 2nd half of the video.Afterviewing the last part of the video leave her room and turn right to thevery end of the hall where you will find the circular room with the peephole. Peep through that hole with each medallionand notice the location of the symbols. Red is to the left, Blueis to the right and Green is below and center.

Time to go to the ROYAL TOWER. Takethe elevator to the first floor, enter the library, deactivate the alarmsystem, go up the stairs, through the vent and down the shaft to the roomunder the Basement. Solve the door puzzle yet again, and then usethe Skeleton key on the rod iron gate, but not before you get the speartip from the Tin Soldier.

To solve the Chain Puzzle, turn around and look at theplaques on the wall opposite the chains. The chains should be inthat order. By pulling each chain, it not only activates movementof that particular chain, but also one other chain. It is not verydifficult, really, but I managed to solve it by: clicking on 1, 2, 3, 5,2, 4, and 1 (from left to right).

Once you have solved the Chain puzzle, you need to moveacross the stepping stones. Go left down the hallway and you willcome to what looks like a chess board. The idea here is to move the4 pieces around the board until each lands on top of their correspondingsquare. Place the blue one first, yellow next, then pink, and finallythe white one. This opens the stairway all the way to the top ofthe tower.[saved game titled SR.Tower 1st time]Goup the tower and open the door, walk forward several steps and click onthe GOLD LEAF puzzle on the wall. You can turn each individual piecewhen you put your arrow cursor in the upper left corner and get a curvedcursor.When you solve this puzzle you willbe able to open the secret compartment.

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Get the Journal. Look at Marie Antoinette's portrait.Look at the floor in the middle of the room. The medallions fit nicelybut there is something missing in the middle.

Return to your room and set the alarm to meet Prof. Hotchkissin the lounge. Ask her about the translations you saw through thepeep holes. Give her the journal. She says she will wrestleyou for it, but you say that is not necessary as long as you can have thetranslation. She agrees and says she will have it by this time tomorrownight. Time to relax a little and just set your alarm again for 3am. Go down to the lounge and talk with her. She tells youthat she translated the entire journal and as an extra bonus it includesMarie's official decoder. Go up to her room to read the translationwhich you will find to the right of the typewriter. Look at the decoderwhich is to the left of the typewriter. Time to get back to the tower!

Place the medallions with Red on left, Blue on right andGreen at the bottom. Go to Marie's portrait and you shouldget a highlighted cursor on the purple rose.

If you come to the part whereyou should get a highlighted cursor and can't maybe you missed something. Here are a few common things missed:

Did you read the book about MarieAntoinette on the table near the spiral staircase in the library? Did yougive Prof. Hotchkiss the diary you found in the tower and ask her to translateit. Did you later read the translation and also the coder page? The coderis to the left of the typewriter. When you look at the decoder Nancy willsay, 'Purple Rose holds diamond key of Queen!'

Library Meeting Game Cheats Download

When you looked through the peephole, did you look through with eachofthe medallions? Do you have the medallions in the proper order? Red left,blue right and green below.

Use the tip of the spear to chip away at the portraitand you will get a key. Place the key in the center of the medallions. The middle of the floor will open and a pedestal with the diamond willcome up. The diamond thief will also appear and spray your eyes withpepper spray. [saved game: ENDING] Asthe thief tries to run down the stairs, quickly find the square stone buttonon the left side of the wall of the stair well and push it. You willtrap the thief!

Nancy has solved another mystery!

This walkthrough will be updated frequently. Updated 03/02/02

This document may be freely distributed by any means aslong as the content is not altered in any way and reference/links are providedto this site.

For questions, copies of larger maps or pictures,comments on this walkthrough, and saved games, please write to:NORMA,LINDA

Copyright 8/6/01- Norma Kuderna and Linda Shaw

Corey Feldman Interview

Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding deed:

    Academic Ally: Gain the trust of Reinhart (+2 Will).
    Anjali Influence: Anjali Influence +++ (+5 Attack).
    Avatar of Ultimate Virtue: Refuse every reward offered to you by the humble villagers of Raven's Rill (+5 Will).
    Bewitching Ally: Gain the trust of the capricious Katarina (+2 agility).
    Celestial Ally: Gain the trust of the archon, Anjali (+2 attack).
    Comrade in Arms: Have Lucas regard you as a true example of Legion principles. His loyalty to you is absolute (+5 Stamina).
    Doctorate of Friendship: Become the closest friend of Reinhart (+5 Will).
    Enduring Champion: Sustain 100,000 points of damage during your adventure (+2 stamina).
    Fiery Loyalty: Have Anjali's faith in you become unshakable (+3 attack).
    Fulltime Hero: Successfully complete 10 side quests (+2 stamina).
    Gracious in Victory: Spare the life of the archon, Rajani, and prove that the Legion can be merciful, even to its enemies (+2 will).
    Ironhand: Defy the wrath of Jeyne Kassynder and slew her archon handmaid, Rajani (+2 attack).
    Katarina Influence: Katarina Influence +++ (+5 Agility).
    Legion Caretaker: Decide that the Legion should retain control of Gunderic Manor (+3 stamina).
    Legion Redeemer: Spare the Dapper Old Gent from the wrath of the city authorities and offer him sanctuary with the Legion (+3 will).
    Lescanzi Ally: Cede control of Gunderic Manor to the Lescanzi witch, Leona (+3 will).
    Liberator: Free all the prisoners in the Spire dungeon (+5 agility).
    Lord Protector of Stonebridge: Hand over the Dapper Old Gent to the authorities of Stonebridge, so that he might stand trial for his crimes (+3 stamina).
    Lorekeeper: Compile 30 entries in your collection of Ehb Lore (+3 will).
    Loremaster: Compile 60 entries in your collection of Ehb Lore (+4 will).
    Loyal Guardian: Have Lucas be impressed by the choices you have made, and earn his steadfast loyalty (+3 Stamina).
    Merchant of Ehb: Sell at least 100.000 coins worth of items (+2 agility).
    Montbarron Ally: Gain the trust of Lucas Montbarron (+2 Stamina).
    Of One Mind: Have your party agree about what to say in conversation at least 20 times (+1 Will).
    Proletarian Hero: Have the Cyclop workers in the Foundry enjoy the same rights as humans and goblins (+3 attack).
    Rivalry: Have your party disagree about what to say in conversation at least 20 times (+1 attack).
    Royalist Ally: Show unwavering support to the crown (+5 stamina).
    Savior of Ehb: Successfully complete 20 side quests (+3 stamina).
    Sharpshooting Sidekick: Have Katarina enjoy your company, and have her consider you a friend (+3 agility).
    Solver of Ciphers: Discover the password to the magically sealed door in Gunderic Manor (+2 agility).
    Strike Breaker: Break the strike at the Great Foundry and grant no concessions to the Cyclop workers (+3 will).
    Tenured Loyalty: Gain the respect of Reinhart (+3 Will).
    Trial and Error: Have your unwavering determination finally win over the magical guardian in Gunderic Manor (+2 Stamina).
    Veteran Trader: Spend 250.000 coins in your career (+1 will).
    We are Legion: Gather all the known descendents of the Legion (+4 Stamina).

Accomplish the indicated achievement to get the corresponding number of Gamerscore points:

Library meeting game cheats codes
    Perfectionist (100 points): You completed your quest, plus all other secondary quests in the game.
    Maximum Charisma (15 points): You achieved the highest possible influence with one of your companions.
    Show Off (25 points): You've paraded about in nothing but rare items.
    Worthy of Legend (100 points): You completed Dungeon Siege III at the highest difficulty level.
    We Are Legion (10 points): You have gathered a full party of Legion descendants.
    Circle of Friends (15 points): You achieved at least one level of influence with all three of your companions.
    Archambaud's Anathema (20 points): During your fight against the Dapper Old Gent, you destroyed 50 of his Automatons.
    Moment of Solace (20 points): Force Jeyne to flee before defeating her handmaids.
    Rajani's Rival (20 points): You bested Rajani without needing to heal yourself.
    View From The Top (50 points): You have achieved the maximum level.
    Merchant of Ehb (5 points): You sold over 100,000 coins worth of items.
    Lock, Stock, and Invocation (15 points): You have completed the main quest as Katarina.
    The Calculus of Victory (15 points): You have completed the main quest as Reinhart.
    Fiery Judgment (15 points): You have completed the main quest as Anjali.
    Welcome to the Winner's Circle (100 points): You have restored the Legion and saved the land of Ehb.
    Guardian of Ehb (15 points): You have completed the main quest as Lucas.
    Guardian Legend (15 points): You reached level 20 as Lucas.
    Two Perfect Tens (15 points): You reached level 20 as Katarina.
    Archon Adept (15 points): You reached level 20 as Anjali.
    Maximum Bro Fist (20 points): Playing co-op as Lucas and Reinhart, you defeated a boss.
    Two Girls, One Boss (20 points): Playing co-op as Anjali and Katarina, you defeated a boss.
    Epic Scholarship (15 points): You reached level 20 as Reinhart.
    Loremaster (50 points): You have discovered 60 lore entries in one adventure.
    Of One Mind (5 points): You have agreed on dialogue choices 20 times in one session.
    Rivalry (5 points): You have disagreed on dialogue choices 20 times in one session.
    Enduring Champion (10 points): Over your career, you have sustained at least 100,000 points of damage.
    Flawless Victory (25 points): You defeated the reborn god without needing to be revived by a companion.
    I Could Do This Blindfolded (25 points): You defeated a major opponent using only your default equipment.
    Party of Four (25 points): You were part of a four-player party that completed the game together.
    Fellowship of the Ding (10 points): You took part in a level-up while in a four-player game.
    Nerds Hate Sunlight (15 points): You and a friend have played for three hours in one session.
    Helping Hand (10 points): While joined to another player's game, you used an empowered Defensive Ability to assist the party.
    Jinx (5 points): You were part of a conversation wherein four players were all in agreement as to what to say.
    Military Intelligence (5 points): You were part of a conversation wherein four players were all in disagreement over what to say.

Additionally, there are ten secret achievements:

    Stonebridge Alliance (25 points): You forged an alliance between Stonebridge and the 10th Legion.
    Long Live the Queen (25 points): You broke the siege of Glitterdelve and saved Queen Roslyn.
    Through the Murky Mire (25 points): You survived a journey through the Eastern Swamp.
    Sacred Meeting (25 points): You spoke to the Radiant Youth in the Mournweald.
    Trial by Fire (25 points): You defeated the archon, Rajani.
    Aspire to Victory (25 points): You stormed the Spire and defeated Jeyne Kassynder.
    Liberator (5 points): You freed all the prisoners in the Spire.
    Royalist Ally (5 points): You have shown unwavering support to the Crown.
    Lescanzi Ally (5 points): You ceded control of Gunderic Manor to Leona.
    Legion Caretaker (5 points): You decided that Gunderic Manor should remain in Legion hands.

The following achievements require the 'Treasures Of The Sun' bonus downloadable content:

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    Litany Learned (40 points): Learn the recitation in the Temple of Azunai.
    Anointed Ointment (40 points): Collect the sacred oil in Sandspring Cavern.
    Mistress of the Abbey (10 points): Meet Eleanor in the Abbey.
    The Worm Has Turned (30 points): Defeat the Giant Sand Worm.
    All Ye Who Enter Here (10 points): Perform the ritual and gain access to the Agallan Vault.
    The Path Not Taken (10 points): Respec your character at least once.
    It Ain't Lion (10 points): Speak to the Lamasu.
    Mummy Dearest (70 points): Defeat High Priest Molochi.
    Bones on the Sand (10 points): Survive your first encounter in the Aranoi Desert.
    Confirmed Shriner (20 points): Light the sacred flames at all three desert shrines.